

Made by: Laurens


mei 2017

5 videos from Ted-Ed with 10 questions made up of different types

Meet The Frog That Barfs Up Its Babies

2017-05-21 (28)

1) What is the biological name of the frog that barfs up its babies?

2) Where were Gastric-brooding frogs found first?

A) In Queens, New York

B) In Queensland, Australia

3) When were the frogs discovered?

4) How do Gastric-brooding frogs look like?

5) What is so special about the Gastric-brooding frogs?

A) The way the mother frog gives birth

B) That the eggs are not affected in the stomach of the frog by acid?

C) That the mother frog swallows the eggs

D) A, B and C

6) How many eggs does the mother frog swallow?

7) Explain why the acid in the mother’s stomach doesn’t affect the eggs.

8) How long does the mother frog breed?

9) How is the strategy of this kind of breeding called?

A) Gastric brooding

B) Gastric broading

C) Gast breeding

10) What do the frogs use their skin for? Name 3 things.

11) What does the Lazarus Project do?

12) Does De-Extinction mean that you bring back species (animals) that are not excisting any more in wild life or on Earth?


1. Gastric-brooding frogs

2. B) In Queensland, Australia

3) In 1977

4) Just average, a brownish, greenish frog

5) D) A, B and C

6) Around 40 eggs

7) The eggs contain a chemical that makes the mother’s stomach stop producing acid.

8) 6 weeks

9) Gastric-brooding

10) Breathing, hydrating, regulating temperature

11) Clooning Gastric-brooding frogs

12) Yes

Are ghost ships real? – Peter B. Campbell

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1) What happened in 1884 on sea?

2) What happened after the crew rescued itself on board of the Rumney?

3) Did the sailors of the Frigorifique think thet the Frigorifique took revenge? Yes or no?

4) What happened in reality? Can you explain it?

5) Which story became one of the main ghost ship stories?

6) What are ghost ships?

A) Unmanned vessels that apparently sail themselves

B) Ships where ghosts live on

C) Ships that sail without a flag of nation

7) Was the name of the most famous ghost ship ‘Mary Celeste’? Yes or no?

8) What were the 5 circumstances that fed the ghost story of the ‘Mary Celeste’ , the ship which was found sailing on the Atlantic Ocean in 1872:







9) What was the real reason why the ‘Mary Celeste’ was floating around? Can you name the 2 physical reasons?

10) The crew of the Mary Celeste reached land alive. True or false?

11) How can it happen that ‘ghost ships’ appear on the oceans around the world? Is it because of the following factors?

A) influence of temperature

B) salinity

C) influence of wind

D) gravity

E) the Coriolis effect from the Earth’s rotation that creates a complex system of water movement


1) The English steamer Rumney crashed into the French ship Frigorifique.

2) The abundant Frigorifique suddenly emerged from the far in front of the Rumney, they crashed and the Frigorifique sailed back into the fog

3) Yes

4) The French sailors had left the engines of the Frigorifique running and the Frigorifique sailed in a circle striking the Rumney and finally sinking.

5) The story of the Frigorifique

6) A) Unmanned vessels that apparently sail themselves

7) Yes


I)  with no one aboard

II) water in its hold

III) lifeboats missing

IV) cargo intact

V) a captain’s log that ended abruptly

9) Buoyancy and fluid dynamics

10) False

11) Yes

The history of chocolate – Deanna Pucciarelli

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1) Where existed chocolate first in the 16th century?

A) in Brasil

B) in Africa

C) in Mesoamerica

2) How was chocolate prepared first?

3) What did the Mesoamericans believe about the cacao?

4) What used Aztecs cacao beans for?

5) Was the first transatlantic chocolate encounter in 1519? True or false?

6) What used the Spanish cacao beans for?

A) As aphrodisiac

B) as medicine for upset stomachs

C) after they sweetened it with honey, sugar, or vanilla, as a delicacy

D) A, B and C

7) Why did they need more workers on the plantations of cacao?

8) When did the world of chocolate change forever?

A) 1821

B) 1828

C) 1799

9) Why did the world of chocolate change forever? Was it because of the introduction of the cocoa press by Coenraad van Houten of Amsterdam? True or false?

10) When became chocolate a treat for the public?

A) In 1900

B) In 1921

C) In 1918


1) C

2) The cacao beans were grounded and mixed with cornmeal and chili peppers to create a drink

3) They believed that cacao was a heavenly food gifted to humans by a feathered serpent god (Mayas known as Kukulkan, Aztecs as Quetzalcoatl)

4 )As currency, drank it at royal feasts, as reward for soldiers for success in battles, used it in rituals

5) true

6) D

7) Because it was difficult and time consuming to produce on a large scale

8) B

9) true

10) A

How did Dracula become the world’s most famous vampire? – Stanley Stepanic

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1) Was the name of the most known vampire Dracula? True or false?

2 When was Dracula’s first appearance?


A) In 1897

B) in 1821

C) in 1880

D) in 1888

3) Did the Slavic folklore gave us the word ‘vampire’? True or false?

4) Where did the stories of vampires originate from?

5) What is decomposition?

6) How did people describe vampires?

A) with long legs and red eyes

B) With overgrown teeth and nails

C) with pale skin and long finger nails

7) How did people try to prevent the dead from rising?

A) By burying the bodies with garlic or poppy seeds

B) having them staked

C) burned or modulated

D) A,  B and C

8) Until when remained vampire law a local phenomenon in Servia?

A) Until the 18th century

B) Until the 17th century

C) Until the 16th century

9) Who wrote the most famous vampire book?

10) When was the vampire book ‘Dracula written?

A) in 1847

B) in 1818

C) in 1717

D) in 1821


1) true

2) A

3) true

4) Diseases like rabies, pellagra and decomposition

5) Gases swelling the body and blood loosing from the mouth could make a corpus look like it recently was alive and feeding

6) B

7) D

8) A

9) Bram Stoker

10) A

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1) How did we discover tea according to the legend?

2) When was tea first cultivated?

A) 6000 years ago

B) 8000 years ago

C) 4000 years ago

3) Where was tea first cultivated?

A) In china

B) In Great Britain

C) In India

D) In Japan

4) How was tea originally consumed?

5) When did tea convent from vegetable to a drink?

A) 3000 years ago

B) 1500 years ago

C) 2100 years ago

6) Is making matcha heating tea, packing it into portable cakes, granding it into powder and mixing it with hot water? True or false?

7) What did artists use tea for?

8) When did the first tea plant arrive in Japan?

9) Got China so mighty with export goods? True or false?

10) What were Chinas most important export goods in the 14th century?

A) Porcelain

B) silk and tea

C) A and B

11) How much was tea worth in comparison with coffee in 1700?

A) 10 times the price of coffee

B) 21 times the price of coffee

C) 5 times the price of coffee

12) Why started the first opium war?


1) By an accident of an Chinese man who poisoned himself and got by accident got a leaf in his mouth that revived him.

2) A

3) A

4) Eaten as a vegetable or cooked as a green porridge

5) B

6) true

7)  They used it for medium, they drew extravagant pictures in the foam of the tea (like expresso art)

8) During the Tung dynasty in the ninth century

9) true

10) C

11) A

12)  Because the English stopped paying tea with silver as it was too expensive and started paying it with opium (drug)



Practice makes perfect!

practice makes perfect 2 kopie

practice makes perfect

Answers to the questions of 5 videos from Ted-Ed

The myth of Icarus and Daedalus – Amy Adkins

2017-05-21 (14)

2017-05-21 (15)

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2017-05-21 (21)

2017-05-21 (22)

2017-05-21 (23)

2017-05-21 (24)

2017-05-21 (25)

2017-05-21 (29)

2017-05-21 (30)

2017-05-21 (31)

2017-05-21 (32)

How An Igloo Keeps You Warm

2017-05-21 (47)

2017-05-21 (33)

2017-05-21 (34)

2017-05-21 (35)

2017-05-21 (36)


7 Things We Don’t Know About the Ocean

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2017-05-21 (44) —————————————————————————————————————————————-

Why are sloths so slow? – Kenny Coogan

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2017-05-21 (12)
2017-05-21 (11)
2017-05-21 (10)
2017-05-21 (9)
2017-05-21 (8)
2017-05-21 (7)
2017-05-21 (6)

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