The Food Hospital

My talk today is about The Food Hospital.

The Food Hospital is a series on the English TV on Channel 4. They have started in 2011.

The Food Hospital is the first of its kind. They treat illnesses only by food: Food as medicine, no pills.

I have watched 4 videos on you tube:

The weeks patients were …

  • A woman with Fish Odour Syndrome                      
  • A boy with serious eczema  
  • And a woman who needs help with gallstones      

Then there was information about food that claims to be healthy                                   IMG_8225


Fish Odour Syndrome – Ever heard about that?

Fish Odour Syndrome is a genetic disease. People with this syndrome smell as strongly as rotten fish so that people around them get miserable.

Do you know what eczema is? 

Most people with eczema suffer from a dry, cracked skin that is very itchy. The itchiness can drive you crazy and is so bad that you scratch your skin until it bleeds. The boy in this series feels a constant burning sensation in his hands and arms. The reason for it is still not known.

Is it caused by an allergy or is it genetic?

What are gallstones? 


Gallstones are small stones. They are usually made of cholesterol that form in the gallbladder. It is a common disease most people know. If a gallstone becomes trapped, it
can cause a sudden intense abnormal pain. That is called a colic and can take some hours.

Information about food that claims to be healthy – People often think that health claims on food are a marketing trick. Still people buy more easily products with a health claim on it and pay extra. Like bread that’s good for your hart, fruit juices packed with antioxidants and fish fingers full of omega 3.

Can you trust it? Is it worth paying extra?

The answer is that basic products that are even cheaper do the same thing. Always look at the list of ingredients and the daily allowance information!

With The Food Hospital you will find out


food as medicine is a revolution!